Our Programes

Embark on a fitness journey like no other with our dedicated, expert, and passionate in-person services. We understand that achieving your fitness goals is a personal and transformative experience. That’s why our experienced team is here, ready to support and motivate you in a welcoming environment that fosters growth.


Our experts have a wealth of knowledge, and their dedication to your success is unwavering. Whether you’re new to fitness or a seasoned pro, our personalized guidance ensures your journey is tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.

Our motivating atmosphere isn’t just about physical workouts; it’s about cultivating a sense of community and empowerment. Join us today and experience the difference as we help you elevate your fitness journey to new heights.

Programs Offered

1-Month Nutritional Plan

Duration: 4 Weeks

1-Month Transformation Program

Duration: 4 Weeks

1-Month Training Plan

Duration: 4 Weeks

3-Month Transformation Program

Duration: 12 Weeks

Begin Your Fitness Journey with 1:1 Counseling

One-time Consultation, Just ₹1500!

Begin Your Fitness Journey with

1:1 Counseling One-time Consultation, Just ₹1500!


How is weight lifting going to help me with my fat loss?

Weight lifting builds lean muscle, which increases your metabolism. This means you burn more calories even at rest. It's a key part of effective, long-term fat loss.

Am I going to be following a crash diet?

No, crash diets aren't sustainable. We'll focus on a balanced, gradual approach, so you can make lasting changes without giving up everything you love.

How will online personal training work?

You'll receive personalised workouts. and the training will be online and live. You'll have the trainer with you virtually, ensuring you exercise correctly and effectively.

Will the trainer follow up regularly on my food and workouts?

Yes, the trainer will stay active and provide regular support and accountability to help you stay on track.

Will I gain weight if I stop strength training?

No, if you maintain a balanced diet, you won't gain weight. Strength training helps maintain muscle, which aids in long-term weight management.

How does strength training work?

It builds muscle, boosting metabolism and helping you burn more calories. It also increases strength, day-to-day functionality, and promotes better overall health.

Will I look muscular?

You won't bulk up excessively; you'll get toned. Building muscle enhances your physique and helps you get stronger.

Is the food plan customisable?

Yes, your food plan can be tailored to your preferences and dietary requirements.

How will gym training work?

Your trainer will guide you through exercises, ensuring you understand and perform them safely.

Do I need special/organic ingredients?

You don't need special ingredients. A balanced diet can be cost-effective. We'll work with what's available and practical for you.

How can I work out at the gym without experience?

Don't worry; everyone starts somewhere. We'll provide guidance and support to make your gym experience comfortable and effective.


Isn't cardio enough for fat loss?

Cardio is helpful, but strength training complements it. It's a potent combo for effective fat loss and overall health.

Will strength training make me look manly?

No, women typically lack the testosterone levels needed for significant muscle gain. Strength training enhances your physique without making you look masculine.